• Political science is also known as poly sci
  • Study of politics, government, how it works, citizens interaction with politics
  • Not an actual science
  • Poly scientists wanted to justify poly sci as an actual science but it’s just not
  • Duff said “It’s all BS”
  • I take a poly sci class- Why Americans hate politics
  • I like it it’s interesting, and confusing since I don’t know much about politics and don’t tent to get involved in politics
  • You should take a major that interests you, you will get the most out of being a poly sci major if you are deeply interested in politics.
  • Not thinking about pursuing political science as a major
  • Glad I learned more about the major before declaring it
  • Ella enjoys her poly sci class, a lot of reading but enjoys it. (Intro to poly sci)
  • I am taking 2 poly sci classes next year. (intro to poly sci & comparative politics) I am very excited.
  • Also taking a business class


I am making a slideshow that I think works in my favor. It gives me a base to work off of. If I get lost while presenting I can look at my slides to get me back on track. I think I want to add in a video, but will have to talk to Jesse about that before I put one in. I want a video in my presentation to add a different point of view. Some people might benefit from hearing what political science is about from two separate view points. I am going to add a real world slide. What jobs you can get and how being a political science major can help you in the world. Duff says you are able to start conversation and talk about politics with people which is a great way of making new friends, or enemies. My peers had similar approaches as me. They are also making slides and have a similar structure as me.